Third Cohort now open and accepting EOI applications until August 26, 2024.

Pipeline Database 2024

Published at : June 10, 2024
The Outcomes Accelerator is thrilled to announce the launch of its updated 2024 Pipeline Database and Dealbook, marking an important milestone in compiling the most extensive pipeline dataset of Outcomes-Based Financing (OBF) projects to date. Leveraging three years of data from the Outcomes Finance Alliance community, the updated Pipeline Database and Dealbook now encompasses over 150 OBF projects and funds from over 60 Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs), including 33 projects currently in the process of launching and fundraising. The OBF Pipeline Database and Deal Book aims to facilitate wider pipeline discussions, funding opportunities and deal-making through the Outcomes Accelerator and OFA Conference. This database includes projects and funds under development in ODA-eligible countries, as defined by the OECD. To obtain the contact information for a project listed in the report below, or to have your project included or updated, please contact the Outcomes Accelerator at

2022 Project Pipeline Report

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