Outcomes Accelerator Launches Comprehensive Pipeline Database and Dealbook

June 10, 2024

The Outcomes Accelerator is thrilled to announce the launch of its updated Pipeline Database and Dealbook, marking an important milestone in compiling the most extensive pipeline dataset of Outcomes-Based Financing (OBF) projects to date.

Leveraging three years of data from the Outcomes Finance Alliance community, the updated Pipeline Database and Dealbook now encompasses over 150 OBF projects and funds from over 60 Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs), including 33 projects currently in the process of launching and fundraising.

Most notably, the OBF pipeline has tripled in size in just two years. This exciting growth can be attributed to several factors: the deepening of key country ecosystems where multiple OBF projects have launched, new countries and partners becoming engaged in OBF, and the diversification of new outcomes-based tools and approaches.

Key Insights:

  • New countries and partners engaged: In the last two years, the pipeline has increased in geographic diversity, growing from projects in 34 countries in 2022 to 61 today. Over half of the pipeline consists of early-stage or scoping proposals, underscoring the need for ongoing support to bring these initiatives to fruition.
  • Deepening of country ecosystems: At the country level, new proposals are leveraging existing expertise from earlier projects. Colombia, India, Kenya, and South Africa each boast ten or more OBF projects in the pipeline, with India alone having 27 proposals. There has also been significant growth in Least Developed Countries, with five or more proposals each in Haiti, Ethiopia, and Zambia.
  • Diversification of outcomes-based approaches: The pipeline also reflects a diversification of new outcomes-based approaches, with nearly equal numbers of pay-for-success contracts and outcomes funds under development. The number of Social Impact Incentives (SIINCs) and Impact-Linked Finance (ILF) projects has nearly tripled in the past two years, demonstrating the increasing role of new financial tools in the project pipeline.

Explore the updated Pipeline Database and Dealbook here. For questions or new project submissions, please reach out to outcomesaccelerator@levoca.org. In the coming weeks, the Pipeline Database and Dealbook will also be integrated into the GO Lab – INDIGO Database at Oxford University, allowing users to review new projects under development alongside existing outcomes-based projects that have already been launched. Projects under development will be included in the Pipeline Dataset, and already-launched projects will be part of the Impact Bond Dataset.

The Outcomes Accelerator is a global initiative to accelerate more effective testing, scaling, and mainstreaming of outcomes-based financing approaches in the delivery of SDG impact. It offers flexible funding, targeted expertise, and networking to enable outcomes-based financing projects to launch. Stay tuned to the Outcomes Accelerator website for upcoming pipeline acceleration opportunities.  

The Governing Committee of the Outcomes Accelerator is comprised of its funders, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the UBS Optimus Foundation and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the UK (FCDO), who are supported by Levoca LLC as the Secretariat.

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